
Employment Vocabulary 1b

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  • define: unemployed
    not working
  • define: reference
    an unrelated person who can say nice things about your work, or why a company may want to hire you
  • define: qualifications
    skills needed to be successful in a job
  • define: benefits
    extras that go above and beyond salary e.g., paid sick days, vacation day
  • define: seasonal worker
    someone who is employed during certain seasons
  • define: cover letter
    a letter you write to accompany your resume when you are applying for a job
  • BONUS!!! Give an example of deductions (money that will be taken away from Gross Pay)
    insurance, taxes, social security, 401k
  • BONUS: If you were applying for a job today, WHO would you use as a reference?
  • define: vacancy
    a job opening in a company
  • Define: full-time
    working at least 40 hours per week
  • Define: gross pay
    the total amount of money earned
  • Define: part-time employment
    working less than 40 hours per week
  • What is a social security number?
    a nine digit number - unique to each person - should not be shared except under certain circumstances
  • BONUS: Name 3 occupations
    teacher, lawyer, doctor, air conditioner repairman
  • Define: deductions
    money that is taken out of your Gross Pay
  • Define: occupation
    job, what you do for a living
  • Define: employee
    a person who works for a company
  • BONUS: give an example of a seasonal worker
    someone who plows snow, someone who mows lawns, someone who works in the Halloween Store
  • define: resume
    a document which explains a person's background, skills, education, work experience
  • BONUS: what is direct deposit?
    when your paycheck is deposited directly into your bank account.
  • Define: net pay
    the amount of money you take home AFTER deductions