
Modal Verbs

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  • Ryan ........ be at home now. He is in Spain.
    Ryan CAN'T be at home now. He is in Spain.
  • Which modal verbs do we use when we speak about just a possibility?
    May, might, and could.
  • What would you say to a friend who is failing Maths? (recommendation)
    You SHOULD/ MUST/ HAVE TO (...)
  • You ( DON'T HAVE TO or MUSTN'T?) play football of you don't like it.
    Don't have to
  • What would you say to a friend who is studying something which isn't part of the exam?
    You DON'T NEED TO study ...
  • Is this sentence correct? "I should to study harder for tomorrow's exam"
    No, it isn't. SHOULD is never followed by 'to'.
  • Many students in Great Britain ............ wear a uniform when they go to school.
    Many students in Great Britain HAVE TO wear a uniform when they go to school.
  • He is so ill that he (SHOULD or CAN'T?) see the doctor.
  • It’s raining heavily. You (SHOULD or HAVE TO?) take your own umbrella.
  • You want to offer some help to an old lady. What would you say?
    MAY I help you?
  • Rewrite this sentence: Mum won't let us go out on weekends.
    We MUSTN'T go out on weekends.
  • Rewrite this sentences: Mike has the ability to speak five languages.
    Mike CAN speak five langauges.
  • To park in this street, you (HAVE TO or MUST?) pay a special tax.
    Have to
  • Rewrite this sentence: I am sure Mrs Ridley is over seventy.
    Mrs Ridley MUST be over seventy.
  • Rewrite this sentence: Perphaps uncle Tom will come with us.
    Uncle Tom MAY / MIGHT come with us.
  • All of the modal verbs are followed by an infinitive without 'to'. True or false?
    False. All of them BUT have to, ought to and need to.