
Bullying Jeopardy

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  • What is reporting?
    Reporting is when you tell someone to try to get someone else OUT of trouble.
  • What should you do if you see someone being bullied?
    Always tell a trusted adult when you feel you or anyone else is being bullied.
  • What would you do if you were being cyber bullied?
    Answers may vary.
  • How do you define a bully?
    Bullying is when someone repeatedly tries to hurt someone's feelings.
  • What is social bullying?
    Leaving others out, telling others not to talk to someone, embarrassing others, or spreading rumors.
  • Your friend tells a group not to invite Jack to any parties. What type of bullying is this? How can you respond?
    Social Bullying
  • Do friends ever bully each other?
  • What is physical bullying?
    Physical bullying = hitting, kicking, tripping, pinching and pushing or damaging property.
  • What is tattling?
    Tattling is when you tell on someone because you hope it'll get them in trouble.
  • Give me 4 ways you can respond to bullying or teasing
    1.Ignore/walk away 2.Advocate for yourself 3.Go tell a trusted adult 4.Laugh along
  • James makes a social media account where people make fun of Tim. What type of bullying is this? What can you do?
    Cyber Bullying
  • A peer tells you to take something from the teacher's desk without asking first. What can you say?
    Answers may vary.
  • What is the difference between bullying and teasing?
    Teasing = Is when good friends tease each other about inside jokes. Bullying = purposely making someone feel bad.
  • A peer tells you to pull a prank on a new student in your class. How would you respond? What can you do?
    Answers may vary.
  • What should you do if you are being bullied?
    Tell a trusted adult (a teacher and your parents).
  • Your friends want to copy your homework, but you worked very hard on it. How can you self advocate?
    Accept any reasonable answer.
  • What is cyberbullying?
    Hurtful messages, spreading rumors online, leaving mean comments, posting pictures that embarrass others, or making fake accounts for someone.
  • What would you do if you were being physically bullied? How would you respond?
    Answers may vary.
  • What would you do if you are being verbally threatened?
    Answers may vary.
  • What is verbal bullying?
    Making fun of someone, threatening, name-calling, or inappropriate comments.