
Puss in Boots

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  • What is Kitty's last name? How can you describe her?
  • Who is Imelda? Where does she work?
    She is Puss in Boots' adoptive mum. She works at the San Ricardo Orphanage?
  • What happens here?
    One day, when they were in town, a bull ran down the road. The Comandante's mother was in front of the bull. Puss jumped onto the bull and stopped it.
  • Who did Puss see when he was stealing from Jack and Jill?
    Kitty Softpaws
  • Who is this? How can you describe him?
    Humpty Dumpty
  • Where are the Golden Eggs? Who has them?
    At the top of the beanstalk. The golden goose has them.
  • Who told Puss about the story of the magic beans?
    Humpty Dumpty, at the Orphanage
  • What type of beans did Humpty and Puss find? Did the find the magic beans? What did they do?
    Red beans, big beans and coffee beans. They didn't find the magic beans. They started to steal things.
  • Who is hearing Puss' story? What does Puss say?
    Kitty Softpaws
  • Where did Puss live?
    In San Ricardo
  • Who is this? How can you describe him?
    Puss in Boots
  • Why did Puss and Humpty want to steal the magic beans?
    To get the Golden Eggs and become rich
  • At the beginning, who has the magic beans?
    Jack and Jill