
Another Would you Rather Game (for R in conversa ...

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  • Would you rather dive into a pool of slime or hold a snake for one hour?
    (ummm.... why not?)
  • Would you rather be SpongeBob Square Pants or Spiderman?
  • Would you rather get stuck upside down in a loop on a roller coaster for an hour, or be stuck spinning around and around on a spinner for an hour?
    (hmmmmmm ... ok)
  • Would you rather be Buzz Lightyear or Mike Wizowski?
  • Would you rather have a skunk for a pet, or a rhino?
  • Would you rather go on a cruise ship for a vacation or camp alone in the mountains for a week?
  • Would you rather spend a month on a submarine or a week on the moon?
  • Would you rather have a sister that is a mermaid, or a sister that is a unicorn?
  • Would you rather live on the top floor of a skyscraper or underground in a deep basement?
    (take the stairs!)
  • Would you rather have no access to a phone or a computer, or not be able to speak?
    (that would be tough!)
  • Would you rather only be able to see in shades of gray (no colors), or have constant blizzards for weather all year.
    (makes sense to me!)
  • Would you rather have a perfect memory, or be able to understand all languages?
    (that would be awesome!)
  • Would you rather ride on a magic carpet or zoom on a rocket into outer space?
  • Would you rather have to walk on your hands, upside down, all the time, or would you rather roll to get from place to place?
    (that's odd)
  • Would you rather roast marshmallows in dragon's breath, or boil broccoli in hot lava?
  • Would you rather carry around a big sign that says "All my friends are chipmunks" or would you rather have tiny Christmas trees growing out of your head?
    (that's the obvious choice. Or is it?)
  • Would you rather have Disneyland all to yourself, or be with all your friends at our school playground?
  • Would you rather have bananas for fingers, or watermelons for feet?
    (these just keep getting weirder)