
Elements of Art: Lines

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  • Can you name three Elements of Art?
    colours, shapes, lines, texture, space or value
  • How are these lines?
    They're horizontal
  • Can you name two Elements of Art?
    colours, shapes, lines, texture, space or value
  • How are these lines?
    They're vertical
  • What are the Elements of Art?
    The elements we find in a Piece of Art.
  • How is this line?
    It's thick
  • How is this line?
    It's zig zag
  • How is this line?
    It's broken
  • How many Elements of Art are there?
    There are six
  • How is this line?
    It's curved
  • How is this line?
    It's curly
  • How is this line?
    It's spiral