
Combining sentences part 2

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  • Noah mowed the lawn. He trimmed the bushes. He also raked the leaves.
    Noah mowed the lawn, trimmed the bushes, and raked the leaves.
  • Janel likes to visit her aunt. She visits her every summer. Her aunt lives in Vermont.
    Janel likes to visit her aunt every summer in Vermont.
  • Susie stayed home from school. She stayed home because she did not feel well.
    Susie stayed home from school because she did not feel well.
  • Gaby lay under a tree. The tree was tall. The tree had white flowers.
    Gaby lay under a tall tree with while flowers.
  • Shawn was in the talent show. He sang a song. The song was written by John Legend.
    Shawn sang a song written by John Legend in the talent show.
  • The pizza had sausage on it. Also, it had mushrooms on it. It had peppers on it, too.
    The pizza had sausage, mushrooms, and peppers on it.
  • Tyler got a haircut. HE thought it was too short. His mom liked it, though.
    Tyler though his haircut was too short, but his mom liked it.
  • Joey cannot come out to play. He is helping his dad. They are cleaning the kitchen.
    Joey cannot come outside to play because he is helping his dad clean the kitchen.
  • The kids played hide-and-seek. They played in the backyard. They played when it was nearly bedtime.
    The kids played hide-and-seek in the backyard when it was nearly bedtime.
  • At the birthday party, the kids ate cake. They played games. They colored pictures.
    At the birthday party, the kids ate cake, played games, and colored pictures.
  • Ava's mom drank coffee. She drank it every morning. She drank it out of a shiny red mug.
    Ava's mom drank coffee every morning out of a shiny red mug.
  • Jeff brought snacks to the soccer game. He brought graham crackers and juice boxes. His teammates enjoyed them.
    Jeff brought graham crackers and juice to the soccer game and his teammates enjoyed it.
  • The picnic was canceled. It was canceled because of the rain. It will be held next week instead.
    The picnic was canceled because of the rain, so it will be held next week instead.