
FCE SPEAKING Part 1 and 2

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  • Compare and contrast the photos and Why do you think these people like about their jobs?
    Answers will vary
  • Compare and contrast the photo and Why have these people chosen to shop in these places?
    Answers will vary
  • Compare and contrast the photo and Why have people chosen to study in these ways?
    Answers will vary
  • Compare and contrast the photos and why do people enjoy spending time in these places?
    Answers will vary
  • Compare and contrast the photo and Why do people decide to live in these places?
    Answers will vary
  • Compare and contrast the photo and Why have people chosen to exercise in these ways?
    Answers will vary
  • Compare and contrast the photos and why are the two different kinds of relationships important to teenagers?
    Answers will vary
  • Compare and contrast the photos and Why might it be important for people to learn these skills?
    Answers will vary
  • Compare and contrast the photos and Why have people chosen these different holidays?
    Answers will vary
  • Compare and contrast the photos and Why might people like these different activities?
    Answers will vary