
Can You Name Three? Diagraphs oa ōw, ay ai

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  • Name three cool things.
    ice cream, rain, water, etc...
  • Name three words with ōō
    schōōl, pōōl, rōōm
  • Name three words with "ea"
    beach, tea, peach, etc.
  • Name three words with "ch"
    chicken, chopsticks, cheese, etc.
  • Name three words with "ou".
    mouse, house, out, etc...
  • Name three words with "oo"
    cook, book, boot
  • Name three words with ay
    tray, play, Sunday. etc...
  • Name three "ow" words.
    owl, towel, how, etc...
  • Name three cities (not in Japan).
    New York, Paris, London, etc.
  • Name three words with oa.
    goat, boat, goal, etc...
  • Name three "ir" words.
    shirt, skirt, bird. etc...
  • Name three words with "sh"
    ship, shop, fish, etc.
  • Name three gray things.
    fog, mouse, elephant, etc...
  • Name three words with ōw
    window, yellow, grow, etc...
  • Name 3 toys.
    yoyo, game, ball, etc
  • Name three "oy" words.
    boy, toy, enjoy etc...
  • Name three things at the beach.
    sand, water, towel etc.
  • Name three insects (bugs).
    ladybug, spider, butterfly, etc.
  • Name three yellow things.
    banana, lemon, flower, etc...
  • Name three "or" words.
    Sports, horse, passport
  • Name three words with ai
    tail, rain, train, etc...
  • Name 3 sports with NO ball.
    swimming, archery, karate
  • Name three words with "ee"
    bee, tree, three, etc.
  • Name 3 words with "ar"
    cat, star, start, etc...
  • Name three things you enjoy.
    games, camping, reading, etc...