
Crazy For Collaboration

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  • A collaboration of musicians reminded us to Come Together when they wanted to Hold Your Hand
    The Beatles
  • One brother, Richard, was the foodie. The other brother, Maurice, was the banker. What worldwide restaurant resulted from their collaboration?
  • One a lead singer of a band, the other a vanguard solo artist. Both felt "Under Pressure" and recorded the song without ever meeting in the same studio. Who are the two artists
    Freddy Mercury and David Bowie
  • Mr. Cohen was about texture. Mr. Greenfield was about complexity. Thanks to this collaboration we have...
    Ben & Jerry's
  • The collaboration of James Watson and Francis Crick "double helixed" their talents to bring to life what foundation of life?
  • One Steve as the introvert and tech-focused. The other Steve was the extrovert and a visionary. Their collaboration resulted in...
    Apple Macintosh
  • Student Sergey Brin gave Larry Page a campus tour that lead to their collaboration in creating...