
Grammar terms

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  • What's a state or stative verb?
    One that isn't used for describing actions and can't be used in the progressive
  • What information does the choice of aspect give?
    Conveys the speaker's perception of time (and other things)
  • What's the grammatical term for talking about meaning?
  • What does "voice" refer to?
    Active or passive voice
  • What does a finite clause include?
    An inflected verb form
  • What's the term for the sound system of a language?
  • What term is used for the study of the form of words?
  • What are the two types of aspect?
    Perfect and progressive
  • What's the term for talking about sentence construction?
  • What does tense do in English?
    Gives information about time
  • Give some examples of what is referred to by "mood".
    Indicative, imperative, subjunctive, modality
  • What does an non-finite clause include?
    An infinitive (with or without "to") or -ing form