
Effects of the Sun

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  • TRUE or FALSE. The sun our only source of heat and light.
  • What should you do to avoid getting sunburn when playing outdoors?
    Apply sunscreen/wear hat
  • TRUE or FALSE. Staying under the sun at 12 noon is beneficial for us.
  • TRUE or FALSE. Too much sun exposure may cause heat stroke.
  • What do you call the condition that is caused by the loss of too much fluid in the body?
  • TRUE or FALSE. The moon gives out its own heat and light.
  • What can we do to avoid dehydration?
    Drink plenty of water.
  • What may happen to our skin if we stay too long under the sun?
  • How is the sun beneficial for plants?
    It gives light so plants can make food.
  • What vitamin do we get from sun exposure?
    Vitamin D
  • Give one beneficial effect of the sun.
    It gives out heat and light for living things.
  • What is the role of the sun in the water cycle?
    It causes evaporation and the rest of the processes to take place.
  • TRUE or FALSE. Without the sun, water cycle will not happen.
  • Give on way to protect yourself from the the negative effects of the sun.
    Don't stay too long under the sun.
  • How is the sun beneficial for the animals?
    It keeps them warm.
  • Give one negative effect of the sun.
    It may cause dehydration.
  • Solar panels can change the energy from the sun into _________.
    Electrical Energy