
God helps us change our thoughts.

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  • Where is Saul's story located?
    Acts 9
  • Who prayed for Saul to be healed?
  • After Saul was baptized what was his new name?
  • God helps us ______, check, and change our bad thoughts
  • Who was the voice that spoke to Saul?
  • What is the text of the day? Romans 12:2
    Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his g
  • What did Saul used to do to the followers of Jesus?
    He put them in jail.
  • At the begining of the story how did Saul think of Jesus.
    Saul had mean thoughts of Jesus.
  • God helps us catch, ________, and change our bad thoughts
  • What happened while Saul was walking with his friends?
    he saw a blinding light that caused him to fall.
  • What did Jesus tell Saul to do?
    He told him to go into the city.
  • God helps us catch, check, and ______ our bad thoughts