
Energy: Heat, Light, and Sound

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  • This is an up and down movement that moves energy.
    What is waves?
  • This is a type of energy that lets us see.
    What is light?
  • This is the energy that a TV produces.
    What is sound/light?
  • This is the energy a boiling pot of water produces.
    What is heat?
  • This is the energy a glow stick produces.
    What is light?
  • This is a type of energy that is carried through wires to make things run.
    What is electricity?
  • This is a device or object that makes or does something.
    What is a machine?
  • This is where something comes from.
    What is source?
  • This is energy that comes from the sun.
    What is heat and light?
  • This is the energy a fireplace produces.
    What is heat/light?
  • This is the kind of energy people who sing produce.
    What is sound?
  • This is a device or object that makes or does something.
    What is a machine?
  • This is what a car needs to move.
    What is a battery/electricity?
  • This is the energy fireworks produce.
    What is light?
  • This is how a laminator works to seal paper.
    What is heat?
  • This is to make or do something.
    What is produce?
  • This is the energy a bumble bee makes.
    What is sound?
  • This is the ability to do work and make things move.
    What is energy?
  • This is what people need to get energy.
    Food, light, sleep, air, etc.
  • This kind of energy a guitar produces.
    What is sound?
  • This is the energy used when you make a phone call or text on a cellphone.
    What is battery?
  • This is the energy a candle produces.
    What is light?
  • This is the energy produced by stars.
    What is light?
  • This is energy that a hairdryer gives us?
  • This is a type of energy that makes things warmer.
    What is heat?
  • This is to use energy to do something.
    What is work?
  • This is an object that can give us light when the electricity is off.
    What is a candle or flashlight with a battery?
  • This is the energy that a hairdryer needs to work.
    What is electricity?
  • This is the energy the moon gives off.
    What is light?
  • This is what people need to work.
    What is energy?
  • This is the energy a radio gives us.
    What is sound?
  • This is the energy a fireplace produces.
    What is heat/light?
  • This is and energy that makes things work.
    What is a power?
  • This is a container or object that stores and saves energy?
    What is a battery?
  • To put energy into something.
    What is charge?