
Runner 2 - Unit 5 Review

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  • (Taste) How does chocolate milk taste?
  • (Connectives) _____ it looks golden brownish, add some milk and oregano.
  • (Taste) How does popcorn normally taste?
  • (Sense verbs) Name something that looks like a cat.
    (Answers will vary.)
  • (Food) What is this?
  • (Cooking verbs) Mention three things you can boil.
    (Answers will vary.)
  • (Food) Mention three foods usually served in a bowl.
    (Answers will vary.)
  • (Food) What is this?
  • (Food) Mention three foods usually served on a plate.
    (Answers will vary.)
  • ('Make') What makes you excited?
    (Answers will vary.)
  • ('Make') What makes you bored?
    (Answers will vary.)
  • (Taste) Name two things that taste bland.
    (Answers will vary.)
  • (Cooking verbs) How do you make noodles?
    Either fry or boil them.
  • (Cooking verbs) Mention three things you can bake.
    (Answers will vary.)
  • (Connectives) First, preheat the oven. ____, mix the flour and egg whites in a bowl.
  • (Taste) Name three foods that taste spicy.
    (Answers will vary.)
  • (Sense verbs) Name two things that feel slimy.
    (Answers will vary.)
  • (Sense verbs) Name two things that smell good.
    (Answers will vary.)
  • ('Make') What makes you furious?
    (Answers will vary.)
  • (Cooking verbs) Mention three things you can fry.
    (Answers will vary.)