
Flat Stanley: Original Adventure

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  • Who is the main character in this book?
    Flat Stanley
  • Who is the author of this book?
    Jeff Brown
  • Why did Stanley go into the sewer?
    To get his mother's ring.
  • What is Arthur doing in this picture?
    Flying Flat Stanley like a kite.
  • Why is Flat Stanley getting into the envelope?
    His dad is going to send him to California.
  • Who is this character?
    Arthur Lambchop
  • What genre is this book?
  • What happened to Stanley Lambchop?
    A giant bulletin board had fallen on him and made him flat.
  • Why is the nurse measuring Flat Stanley?
    Because his mum will need to buy him new clothes.
  • What is the title of this book?
    Flat Stanley: His Original Adventure
  • What did Stanley get from the sewer?
    His mother's ring.
  • What are they doing?
    They are going for a walk in the park.
  • Why is Stanley at the doctor's office?
    So the doctor can check if he is okay.
  • What did Mr. Lambchop bring home from work?
    A big envelope.
  • What is Arthur doing?
    Calling his parents.
  • Does Stanley like being flat?
    Yes, he does.
  • What is Stanley doing?
    Going into the sewer.
  • Why is Arthur under the books?
    He is trying to make himself flat.
  • Who are these characters?
    The Lambchop family.
  • Why are they mailing Stanley to California?
    To visit his friend./ It is cheaper than flying.