
Ch.19 Progressivism

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  • #33 What is the term for a person who says that we can't know whether God exists or not?
    an agnostic
  • #34 What term means the growth of the cities as people move from rural areas?
  • #37 Name 2 interdenominational religious organizations of the Progressive Era.
    Salvation Army, YMCA, Pacific Garden Mission ...
  • #35 What law regulated additives in meat and other foods and the use of narcotics?
    The Pure Food and Drug Act
  • #50 scientist who found many uses for the peanut
    George Washington Carver
  • #42 What did settlement houses do?
    provide help to poor neighborhooods
  • #26 Name 2 changes in education at the turn of 20th century.
    more tax-supported (public) secondary (high) schools, schools for black students, schools helped by philanthropists
  • #48 founder of Tuskegee
    Booker T. Washington
  • #41 What president developed the Square Deal?
    Theodore Roosevelt
  • #15 What theory did On the Origin of Species promote?
  • #30 What do you call a rich person who gives much money to charitable causes?
    a philanthropist
  • #40 How many generations did it usually take for immigrants to become more "Americanized" and learn English well?
    2 generations, the 2nd generation, the kids
  • #36 What is the name for the 12 district banks and their controlling board that serve as "bankers' banks"?
    Federal Reserve System
  • #27 Name the 3 progressive presidents learned about in this chapter.
    Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, and Woodrow Wilson
  • #45 What was an expert hired to take the place of an elected mayor?
    a city manager
  • #47 What did some people (liberals) say about the Bible and Christianity during the Progressive Era?
    That it was only a man's book, that it needed to be "updated" to fit the times and "modern science" (evolution)
  • #21 Name 2 Progressive Era Amendments.
    16, 17, 18, 19
  • #13 List 2 changes in religion at the turn of the 20th century,
    more interdenominational religious groups (YMCA...); more non-Protestant immigrants; growth in main denominations, new denominations, and cults
  • #39 What was an incredibly popular past time during the Progressive Era as people became more wealthy and more educated?
  • #17 What is a progressive?
    Somebody who thinks that the government should fix society's problems.
  • #32 What law closed up loopholes of the Sherman Antitrust Act?
    the Clayton Antitrust Act
  • #12 What did John Spargo write/ what problem was it about?
    The Bitter Cry of the Children, child labor
  • #5 Who won the election of 1912?
    Woodrow Wilson
  • #46 What tariff, signed by Woodrow Wilson, drastically lowered tariff rates?
    the Underwood Tariff
  • #25 What was the 19th Amendment about?
    It gave women the right to vote. (suffrage)
  • #1 Why did Roosevelt think Taft had abandoned progressivism?
    He did not lower the tariff and he tried to dismiss Gifford Pinchot. He wasn't as good at communicating his progressive reforms as Roosevelt was.
  • #38 Who are journalists that expose society's problems?
  • #18 What is a citizen's right to petition against an elected official to have them taken out of office?
  • #9 What Upton Sinclair did write/ what problem was it about?
    The Jungle, the gross practices of the meatpacking industry
  • #31 What state had so many progressive government reforms that the package of reforms was named after it?
  • #3 Who was the Democratic candidate in the 1912 election?
    Woodrow Wilson
  • #51 corrupt NYC political boss
    William Tweed
  • #14 Who wrote On the Origin of Species?
    Charles Darwin
  • #44 What was the nickname for the Progressive Party?
    the Bull Moose Party
  • #4 What party did Roosevelt create after he lost the Republican nomination in 1912?
    Progressive Party
  • #19 What is a citizen's right to suggest their own law to their state governments?
  • #23 What was the 17th Amendment about?
    It said that senators would be elected directly by the people, not the state governments.
  • #24 What was the 18th Amendment about?
    It prohibited (outlawed) alcoholic drinks.
  • #29 Who was the most popular writer of the Progressive Era?
    Samuel Clemens/Mark Twain
  • #7 How did muckrakers help progressive reforms?
    They wrote books to expose society's problems.
  • #18 Name 2 progressive reforms that Theodore Roosevelt made.
    protecting national forests, The Pure Food and Drug Act, giving coal mine workers a "Square Deal"
  • #2 Who ran as the Republican candidate in the 1912 election?
    William Howard Taft
  • #11 What did Ida Tarbell write/ what problem was it about?
    The History of the Standard Oil Company, the unfair business practices of the Standard Oil Company, a giant trust
  • #20 What is a citizen's right to state their opinion about a recent state law that was passed?
  • #49 famous agnostic of the Progressive Era
    Robert Ingersoll
  • #28 What are temperance societies?
    groups against liquor
  • #10 What did Lincoln Steffens write/what problem was it about?
    The Shame of the Cities, urban problems
  • #22 What was the 16th Amendment about?
    It gave the federal government the right to tax income.
  • #52 appointed to preserve America's national forests
    Gifford Pinchot
  • #16 What is a muckraker?
    a progressive journalist who exposed society's problems
  • #43 What changed in the workplace during the Progressive Era?
    fewer work hours, higher wages, safer working conditions
  • #8 Name 2 muckrakers.
    Upton Sinclair, Ida Tarbell, Lincoln Steffens, John Spargo
  • #6 Why did Wilson end up winning the election of 1912?
    Theodore Roosevelt split the Republican party with his Progressive Party.
  • #19 Name 2 parts of the Oregon System of government reforms.
    initiative, recall, referendum