
Clue Detective

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  • estoy en un bote Estoy sosteniendo un palito en mis manos. Hay una hilo que cuelga del palo y un gancho al final . ¿Qué estoy haciendo?
    estoy pescando
  • Some of these are for bouncing, some are for throwing and some are for kicking. They are used in a lot of sports. What are they?
    They are balls.
  • I am mixing flour, sugar, eggs and chocolate chips in a bowl. Next I will use a spoon to put small scoops onto a tray. After that I'll put the tray into the oven. What am I doing?
    I am baking cookies.
  • They bloom in the spring time and some smell really good. What are they?
    They are flowers.
  • I see a red light and I put my foot on the brake. I then see a green light so I put my foot on the gas pedal. What am I doing?
    I am driving a car.
  • Abro el agua, agarro una toalla y compruebo que haya champú. ¿Qué estoy a punto de hacer?
    Voy a bañarme.
  • This thing is very cold, sweet and has a stick for a handle. What is it?
    It is a popsicle.
  • Tiene 4 ruedas, usa combustible y tiene volante. ¿Qué es?
    Es un coche.
  • Suena la alarma, me visto, desayuno y me lavo los dientes. Recojo mi mochila, me despido de mi mamá y mi papá y me subo al colectivo. ¿A dónde voy?
    Me voy a la escuela.
  • Nos mantiene abrigados cuando salimos a la calle en invierno, algunos tienen botones y otros tienen cierre. ¿Qué es?
    Una campera
  • My mom paid the lady some money, and the lady gave us each a ticket. The rest of the morning we saw elephants, lions, monkeys, giraffes and wolves. The animals were eating, sleeping and playing. Where am I?
    I am at the zoo.
  • Son de color negro y están hechos de goma. Los coches tienen 4 de ellos. ¿Qué son?
    son ruedas
  • I bounced the orange ball as I ran. Next I stopped and threw the ball through a hoop. I just scored 2 points. What am I doing?
    I am playing basketball.
  • It has leaves, it grows in the ground and some give us fruit. What is it?
    It is a tree.
  • He wears a red and white suit and has reindeer as pets. Who is it?
    It's Santa Claus.
  • We use it when we eat spaghetti or meat, but we don't use it when we eat soup. What is it?
    It is a fork.
  • We drink it, we wash our hands with it and it helps plants grow. What is it?
    It is water.
  • Nos ayudan a ir de un lugar a otro y les ponemos medias. ¿Qué son?
    Son nuestros pies.