
Flyers L4 UNIT 11 Vocab - BINGO

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  • If you win this you might get a prize.
    a competition
  • You have five of these on each hand.
    a finger
  • You wear these on your face when it's sunny.
  • You can use these to eat noodles.
  • This usually smells nice and you use it to wash your hands.
  • This vehicle can fly but it doesn't have wings.
    a helicopter
  • You wear these on your hands when it's cold.
  • In this sport you must hit and catch a ball with a bat and a glove.
  • You wear these to go to sleep at night.
  • These are a kind of shoes that are good for playing sport or walking.
  • This is higher than a hill so it's difficult to climb.
    a mountain
  • You wear this jeans or trousers to stop them falling down.
    a belt
  • You sleep in this when you go camping.
    a tent
  • You use this to stay dry when it rains.
    an umbrella
  • This is like a newspaper but it's colourful and has pretty pictures.
    a magazine
  • This animal has eight legs and lives in the sea.
    an octopus