
True or False? Human Trafficking

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  • Beggar gangs in the UK value one child at £10,000 a year.
    False - £100,000 a year.
  • An estimated 2.4 million victims are trapped in modern-day slavery.
    Flase - 24.9 million
  • The Asia-pacific region accounts for the largest number of forced laborers— 15.4 million (62% of the global total).
  • Minors represent nearly 20 percent of identified trafficking victims in Romania.
    False - nearly 50 percent
  • Organ trafficking: Romanians donated kidneys for US 6,000 dollars each to South Africa's Netcare a clinic for years until 2013.
  • While only 19% of victims are trafficked for sex, sexual exploitation earns 66% of the global profits of human trafficking.
  • Sexual exploitation remained the most common purpose of trafficking, followed by labour exploitation
  • Romania is a destination country for a small number of women from Moldova, Colombia, and France who are forced into prostitution.
  • Human trafficking earns profits of roughly $150 billion a year for traffickers.
  • Around three-quarters of women trafficked to the U.K. come from Romania and the majority end up in the sex trade.
  • 71% of trafficking victims around the world are women and girls.
  • The largest share of labor trafficked adults are domestic workers.
    True - 24%- followed by construction (18%), manufacturing (15%), and agriculture and fishing (11%) sectors.
  • Traffickers subject Romani children, as young as 13 years old, to forced begging and sex trafficking.
  • Romania, with 86,000 trafficking victims, has one of the highest rates of modern-day slavery in Eastern Europe and most victims experience sexual exploitation.