
Passive Voice Past Simple

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  • My friends gave me a lot of presents for my birthday last year.
    I was given a lot of presents for my birthday last year.
  • When did they create the European Union?
    When was the European Union created?
  • They opened the shopping mall last month.
    The shopping mall was opened last month.
  • Did they water the plants in the garden?
    Were the plants in the garden watered?
  • They caught the thief yesterday.
    The thief was caught yesterday.
  • Did Leonardo da Vinci painted Mona Lisa?
    Was Mona Lisa painted by Leonardo da Vinci?
  • Did the doctor examine twenty patients yesterday?
    Were twenty patients examined by the doctor yesterday?
  • John didn't eat the cookies.
    The cookies weren't eaten by John.
  • They didn't build this road last year.
    This road wasn't built last year.
  • The cat broke my favourite mug.
    My favourite mug was broken by the cat.