
Past Continuous and Past Simple and reaction to  ...

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  • I (write) my essay / my laptop (turn off)
    I was writing my essay, when my laptop turned off.
  • I (play) with the ball / I (break) the window
    When I was playing with the ball, I broke the window.
  • I (text) my friend / I (drop) my phone
    I was texting my friend when I dropped my phone.
  • I (use) the blender / it stop working
    I was using the blender when it stopped working.
  • I (dry) my hair / the hairdryer (break)
    I was drying my hair when my hairdryer broke.
  • I (play) football / it (start) to rain
    I was playing football, when it started to rain.
  • I (go) to school / I (miss) the bus
    When I was going to school, I missed the bus.