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  • Is/table/behind/door?
    Is there a table behind the door?
  • bed/next to/window
    There's a bed next to the window.
  • clock/on/wall
    There's a clock on the wall.
  • ruler/in/pencil case
    There's a ruler in the pencil case.
  • Is there/sofa/next/window?
    Is there a sofa next to the window?
  • there/is/Yes,
    Yes, there is.
  • computer/in front of/bookshelf
    There's a computer in front of the bookshelf.
  • /there/chair/under/table?
    Is there a chair under the table?
  • isn't/No,/there
    No, there isn't.
  • sofa/behind/door
    There's a sofa behind the door.