
Parts of Speech

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  • How many verbs? I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish.
    4 - I wish; to wish; you wish; to wish.
  • Tell me a sentence with a verb and tell me the verb
  • action words
  • Find the verb(s): I just want to stay in my cozy bed all day reading fantasy novels.
    want, stay, reading
  • Which word(s) in the following sentence is a PRONOUN? "Have you ever been to Paris?"
  • In the sentence: "John IS very sleepy", what type of word is "is"?
  • word that describe things
  • It's a short word that replaces a noun.
  • In the sentence: "The sea is CALM today", what type of word is "calm"?
  • Things, places, people. For example; house, park, woman.
  • Things, places, people. For example; house, park, woman.
  • Find the pronoun(s): "Jorge told her to be more careful in the future".
  • Tell me a sentence with a adjective and tell me the adjective
  • Tell me a sentence with a pronoun and tell me the pronoun
  • In the sentence "I like to SING and DANCE", what type of words are "sing" and "dance"?
  • Tell me a sentence with a noun and tell me the noun
  • In the sentence "Hi, my name is Laura", what type of word is Laura?
    proper noun
  • Use an adjective in a sentence.
    The students are smart.
  • Tell me a sentence with a verb and tell me the verb
  • Tell me a sentence with a adjective and tell me the adjective
  • Find the noun(s): Sometimes, my best friend and I go to the nearby library together.
    friend, library
  • Tell me a sentence with a verb and tell me the verb
  • Things, places, people. For example; house, park, woman.
  • Find the noun(s): I baked a delicious cake.
  • How many adjectives? "The blonde boy has beautiful green eyes".
    3- blonde, beautiful, green