
What would that Pokemon character do?

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  • Meowth was surprised with his favorite dessert, how does he feel?
    Happy, surprised, thankful
  • Brock was walking with Ash and he tripped hurting his leg, how does he feel?
    Sad, hurt
  • Someone stepped on Charizard's tail! How does he feel?
    Mad, angry
  • Ash sees a pokemon he wants to catch! But it's far away and he feels disappointed that he can't catch it, what can you say to him to help him feel better?
    That's okay, you can catch another one next time!
  • These pokemons are having fun together, which pokemon is having the most fun?
    What do you like to do for fun?
  • Psyduck took a long walk then laid down to nap, how does he feel?
    Tired, sleepy
  • Pikachu had his favorite meal! What is your favorite meal?
  • These two are fighting, yelling at eachother, what can they do to calm down?
    Breathe, walk away, drink water, positive thoughts
  • Squirtle was playing with Charmander and bit him! How does Charmander feel?
    Hurt, upset, mad
  • What is Brock reading?
    What do you like reading?
  • Misty and Ash get in a fight about who has the best pokemon, they are yelling at eachother. What should they do to calm down?
    Breathe, walk away, count to 5
  • Ash was looking for a Pokemon to catch but it got away! How does Ash feel?
  • Bulbasaur was walking and then another Pokemon pushed him! How does he feel?
    Angry, mad
  • Pikachu had a play date with his friends, how does he feel?
  • If Ash lost ALL his pokemon, how would he feel?
    Upset, sad, angry
  • Pikachu invited his friends to play, what do you think they will play?
    What's your favorite game to play?
  • Ash fell in the water and Misty and Pikachu are trying to save him, how do you think Misty and Pikachu feel?
    Afraid, hopeful
  • Ash told Pikachu to leave him alone, how does Pikachu feel?
    Sad, lonely
  • Garchomp was able to help Ash and his friends during a fight, how does Garchomp feel?
  • Pikachu's friend just got hurt during a fight, how does Pikachu feel?
    Sad, upset. What can Pikachu to do help?
  • Pikachu was walking and someone jumped out and yelled, how does he feel?
  • Jigglypuff was called a mean name by his friend, how does he feel?
    Mad, angry
  • How does Ash and Pikachu feel? Why do you think they feel this way?
    Happy, they missed each other
  • Misty learned that Togepi is feeling sick, how does that make Misty feel?
  • Squirtle is upset because someone threw a rock at him, what can you tell him to help him feel better?
    Are you okay? I'm sorry that happened!
  • Ash tried to catch another Pokemon but he didn't get it, how does he feel?
  • Spheal gets to see his best friend today! How does he feel?
  • Jigglypuff was outside looking for his friend,but was all alone, how does it feel?
    Confused, lonely
  • Psyduck accidently tripped infront of his friends, how do you think he feels?
  • Misty was trying to explain the her friends about a new Pokemon but her friends were ignoring her, how does she feel?
    Mad, angry
  • How would Pikachu feel if he got lost?
    Sad, Lonely