
Medical English

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  • What do Llamas have to do with medical research?
    produce nanobodies which are a smaller form of the antibodies that humans produce
  • a yellow powder found in flowers
  • an injury when the part of the body becomes bluish
  • a synonym for "getting better"
    recover, recuperate
  • extract? floss? gargle? rinse? whiten?
    extract a tooth/teeth
  • cast, crutches, bandage, stitches, operation, sling, pills ?
    cast, crutches, operation
  • air pollution produced by cars or factories
  • What room is it? What tool do the dentists use?
    a drill, a needle, a mirror, a lamp, a dental chair, a mask, a sink, an x-ray machine
  • What is the difference between a cavity and a filling?
    have a look at the picture
  • products which are made from milk, e.g.: cheese, yogurt, and ice cream
  • What is pictured? What can you tell about it?
    immune system; resistance to diseases
  • prescription, pills, injection, wound, blood sample
    prescription, pills
  • excess fluid gather in or around your knee joint
    swollen knee
  • What symptoms can you name? What can you add?
    temperature, cough, sore throat, fatigue, runny nose, sneeze, headache
  • a cracked/ missing/ seneitive tooth
    a cracket tooth
  • important, having a strong effect
  • ------ (delay) an arrangement
    put off an arrangement
  • What do you know about blood types?
    parents' genes; recessive vs dominant; blood donors
  • Describe mouth cavity.
    lips, gums, bottom/top teeth, a tongue
  • a condition where the drugs which fight infection have stopped working