
Vocab using Affixes

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  • What does the word "distasteful" mean?   The customers complained about the distasteful odor in the store.
    disgusting, unpleasant
  • What does "irrefutable" mean in this sentence?  We must face the irrefutable fact that there is not enough money for the project.
    cannot be proven wrong so must be accepted; impossible to deny or disprove
  • What does "miscalculation" mean? I only sold 5 candy bars because of some miscalculations.
    A wrong judgment or estimate of a situation
  • What does "imperfection" mean? The painting's only imperfection was the scratch in the corner.
    fault or weakness (not perfect)
  • What does "infrequently" mean? We infrequently have school on Mondays.
    Rarely, almost never
  • What does "immobile" mean?  After his skiing accident, he was immobile for several weeks.
    not able to move around
  • What does the word "misrepresentation" mean? The movie was a misrepresentation of the real-life events.
    wrong, false or misleading way to show something
  • What does "reconstructing" mean? After she accidentally deleted her essay, she spent all night reconstructing it.
    making again
  • What does "careless" mean?  Losing my keys again was very careless of me.
    not taking care of something; not giving enough attention or thought so that you make mistakes
  • What does the word "irreversible" mean? The principal's decision was irreversible.
    Not able to be fixed/repaired, cannot go back, final
  • What does "disadvantageous" mean in this sentence? The deal would be disadvantageous for his company, so he shouldn't agree to it.
    Causing someone to be in a worse situation - not a lot of advantages/positive reasons for something
  • What does "courageous" mean in this sentence? The firefighter was very courageous each day on the job.
    Full of courage- very brave.
  • What does "abnormality" mean in this sentence? The doctor found an abnormality in the patient's test results.
    something that is not normal/different from what is expected
  • What does "unsuccessful" mean? She was unsuccessful at her attempts to repair the kitchen faucet by herself.
    Not able to have success; failed
  • What does the word "illogical" mean? The math teacher said my answer to the problem was illogical.
    Does not make sense, unreasonable
  • What does the word "indistinguishable" mean? The counterfeit bills were virtually indistinguishable from the real thing.
    Not able to be identified as different/distinct; the same or identical
  • What does "premeditated" mean? The jury determined that the crime was premeditated.
    Thought out or planned before; planned in advance
  • What does "irreplaceable" mean in this sentence? The family heirloom was irreplaceable.
    cannot be replaced - too valuable or special to be replaced
  • What does "irresistible" mean? The chocolate cake looked irresistible, and I wanted to eat it all!
    not able to be stopped or resisted
  • What does the word "unstoppable" mean?  The basketball team was unstoppable this season.
    cannot be beaten; cannot surpass or stop