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  • What did the monster do with the de Lacey's house?
    Set it on fire
  • Name 3 characters that die in the story.
  • What was found in William's pocket?
    A picture of his mother
  • What did Victor use to create the monster?
    Dead body parts
  • Why did the monster kill William?
    Because he wanted revenge
  • What did Victor put in a bag and throw to the sea?
    The second monster that he destroyed
  • After reading about William's death, how did Victor returned to Geneva?
    By horse
  • What did Victor and Elizabeth celebrated in chapter 11?
    Their wedding
  • What did Henry study at university?
    Foreign languages
  • Who was Mr Kirwin?
    The judge in Ireland.
  • How did the monster learn to speak?
    Hearing the de Lacey's speak.
  • What did Victor do with the second monster he created?
    Destroy it
  • How did the monster learned about the world?
    Reading books in de Lacey's house
  • How long did Victor stay in prison?
    3 months
  • Which two old cities in England did Victor and Henry visit?
    Oxford and Windsor
  • What is the Rhine?
    A river
  • Who is the writer of the book?
    Mary Shelley
  • Where did the monster leave messages to Frankestein?
    On stones or on tress
  • What are the names of Mr de Lacey's children?
    Felix and Agatha
  • Who is Margaret?
    Robert Walton's sister
  • Did the monster kill Victor?
  • What was the monster request when he finished explaining his story?
    He wanted Victor to make him a wife
  • Why does Victor decide to help the monster?
    Because he feels responsible for his misery.
  • Where will the monster and his wife go?
    South America
  • Name 5 words that you learned reading the book.
  • Who was accused and punished for Williams murder?
    Justine Moritz
  • How many brothers or sisters does Victor have?
    Two brothers, Ernest and William
  • Before dying, what did Victor's mother ask Victor and Elizabeth to do?
    Get married
  • After their conversation in the mountains, why did Victor decide to help the monster?
    Because Hhe felt responsible
  • In chapter 12, when Victor was following the monster, where did he have to look for food?
    Under the ice
  • How many screams did Victor hear from Elizabeth's room?
  • Name 3 cities/countries that appear in the story
  • Victor was interested in science and chemistry, but what was Elizabeth interested in?
    Reading poems and going to the mountains
  • Felix used a ________ to hit the monster because he thought his father was in danger.
  • Name 3 cities or countries that appear in the story
  • What did Victor take in chapter 11 to kill the monster?
    A gun
  • Name 5 words that you learned reading the book.
  • Where did Victor and his father go after Victor was in prison?
  • Who was Mr Waldman?
    Victor's professor at university
  • Name 5 words that you learned reading the book