
Animal Sounds

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  • What animal is this and what sound does it make?
    That is a frog. It goes ribbit ribbit.
  • What animal is this and what sound does it make?
    That is a duck. It quacks.
  • What animal is it?
    It's an ox.
  • What animal is this and what sound does it make?
    That is a mouse. It squeaks.
  • What animal is this and what sound does it make?
    That is a rooster. It goes cock-a-doodle-doo.
  • What animal is this and what sound does it make?
    That is a cow. It moos.
  • What animal is this and what sound does it make?
    That is a cat. It goes meow meow.
  • What animal is this and what sound does it make?
    That is a pig. It goes oink oink.
  • What animal is this and what sound does it make?
    That is a horse. It neighs.
  • What animal is this and what sound does it make?
    That is a sheep. It goes baa baa.
  • What animal is this and what sound does it make?
    That is a dog. It goes woof woof.
  • What animal is this and what sound does it make?
    That is a hen. It goes cluck cluck.
  • What animal is this and what sound does it make?
    That is a bird. It goes tweet tweet.
  • What animal is this?
    It's a rabbit.
  • What animal is this and what sound does it make?
    That is a goat. It goes meh meh.