
Complete First Unit 3 review

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  • As soon as Mandy was getting/ got Simon's text, she was jumping/jumped on her bike and was riding/rode round to his house to speak to him.
  • When they walked/were walking home, they found a wallet with a huge amount of money in it!
    were walking
  • He said that if we get up .... 8am every day, even .... weekends we could make the most fo our time (at, in, on)
  • I didn't know my way around the city because I .... (never be) there before.
    had never been
  • .... our very first day, we all decided to hire bikes and go for a cycle. (at, in, on)
  • We ..... (walk) up the mountain for about 3 hours when suddenly it ....(begin) to rain.
    had been walking... began
  • .... December 2015, I went on a family holiday to cuba. .... night, there was so much lively music! (at, in, on)
  • I ... (only speak) for 30 seconds when he interrupted me with a question.
    had only been speaking
  • She met lots of interesting people during her weekend travel / trip to Montreal.
  • 'Have a good travel / trip to Budapest!'
  • Carla was tired and dirty when she ... (get) home because she .... (help) her grandad in the garden all day.
    got... had been helping
  • 'Excuse me, I'm a bit lost. Can you tell me the best journey/ way to the station?'
  • People spend far more money on foreign travel / journeys than they did 50 years ago.
  • We were feeling hungry although we .... (eat) lunch only an hour before
    had eaten
  • I .... (already finish) my work when she .... (offer) to help me.
    had already finished... offered
  • Luckily we walked / were walking past a shopping centre when the storm began/was beginning.
    were walking... began
  • My mum used to visit/ was visiting lots of exotic places when she was /was being a tour guide.
    used to visit...was
  • .... 14th September last year, I went to New York with my friend.(at, in, on)
  • When I was younger, we used to spend/were spending our holidays in my grandparent's villiage.
    used to spend
  • The travel / journey to my villiage will take about 3 hours.
  • When I was at primary school, I was doing/ used to do about one hour's homework a day.
    used to do