
Reading Business Signs for ESL Students

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  • Can you shop here on a Saturday?
    No, because the store is closed.
  • What can you buy here?
    Bread, pastries, cakes, cookies, baked goods
  • Can you go to this office at 10 AM on a Saturday?
    Yes, you can.
  • Is this office open at 5 PM on Saturday?
    No, it is closed.
  • Can you shop at this store at 8 AM on a Saturday?
    No, because it opens at 9 AM.
  • What days of the week is this business open?
    Every day of the week from 8 AM to 8 PM.
  • Is this business open on Sunday?
    No, it is not.
  • Can you get your hair cut at this business?
    Yes, you can.
  • Is this business open at 4:30 PM on a Saturday?
    No, it is closed.
  • What can you buy here?
  • What can you buy here?
  • Can you get a cup of coffee here at 5 PM on a Saturday?
    No, because it is closed.
  • Can you go to this business on Saturday?
    Yes, but only if you make an appointment.
  • What kind of business is this?
    A restaurant.
  • Can you buy something for your cat here?
    Yes, you can.
  • Can you read books or newspapers here?
    Yes, you can.