
All page (48 irregular verbs)

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  • Can you tell me the past simple, the past participle and the meaning of "CHOOSE"?
    chose, chosen = elegir
  • Can you tell me the past simple, the past participle and the meaning of "HEAR"? /hia/
    heard, heard = escuchar, oir
  • Can you tell me the past simple, the past participle and the meaning of "get"?
    got, got = conseguir
  • Can you tell me the past simple, the past participle and the meaning of "CATCH"?
    caught, caught = coger o agarrar
  • Can you tell me the past simple, the past participle and the meaning of "FLY"?
    flew /flu/, flown /fleun/ = volar
  • Can you tell me the past simple, the past participle and the meaning of "eat"?
    ate, eaten = comer
  • Can you tell me the past simple, the past participle and the meaning of "BLEED"?
    bled, bled = sangra
  • Can you tell me the past simple, the past participle and the meaning of "HANG"?
    hanged x2 /haengd/ ; hung x2 /hang/ = colgar
  • Can you tell me the past simple, the past participle and the meaning of "BEND"?
    bent, bent = doblar
  • Can you tell me the past simple, the past participle and the meaning of "dream"?
    dreamt, dreamt ; dreamed, dreamed = dormir
  • Can you tell me the past simple, the past participle and the meaning of "break"?
    broke, broken = romper
  • Can you tell me the past simple, the past participle and the meaning of "COST"
    cost, cost = valer o costar
  • Can you tell me the past simple, the past participle and the meaning of "do"?
    did, done = hacer
  • Can you tell me the past simple, the past participle and the meaning of "BUILD"?
    built, built = construir o edificar
  • Can you tell me the meaning of "HIT" ?
  • Can you tell me the past simple, the past participle and the meaning of "BRING"?
    brought, brought = traer o llevar
  • Can you tell me the past simple, the past participle and the meaning of "beat"?
    beat, beaten = batir o golpear
  • Can you tell me the past simple, the past participle and the meaning of "hide"?
    hid, hidden = esconderse
  • Can you tell me the meaning of "keep"?
    guardar o mantener
  • Can you tell me the 3 forms of "Tener"?
    have, had, had
  • Can you tell me the 3 forms of "herir o hacer daño"? Starts with "H"
    hurt x3
  • Can you tell me the past simple, the past participle and the meaning of "HOLD"?
    held, held = sujetar
  • Can you tell me the 3 forms of "PERDONAR"? Starts with "F"
    forgive, forgave, forgiven
  • Can you tell me the Past Simple, the Past Participle and the meaning of "know"?
    knew /niu/, known / noun/ = saber o conocer