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  • What are your incisors used for?
    They are used for biting and cutting food.
  • Why do we have teeth?
    They turn food into smal pieces so that we can swallow them.
  • Which part of your mouth are morals and premolars in your mouth?
    They are towards the back of the mouth.
  • What is the hard substance which protects the inside of a tooth is called?
  • What is the function of premolars?
    They are used for holding and crushing food.
  • This is the part of the tooth which contains blood vessels and nerves.
  • Which set of teeth is an extra set of molars at teh very back of the mouth?
    Wisdom teeth
  • What is the shiney, white surface of a tooth is called? It is the hardest substance in the human body.
  • Why are molars and premolars wider and bigger than canines or incisors?
    Becuase of their functions. Premolars are used for holding and crushing food while molars chew and grind food.
  • What are the two sets of teeth a human has in his lifetime?
    milk teeth and permanent teeth
  • This is the layer which covers and protects the root of a tooth.
  • Which teeth are used for ripping and tearing food?
  • What is the function of the nerves in a tooth?
    To send messages to the brain, for example if we eat something hot.
  • To which animal's teeth are canines similar to with their pointy shape?
    They are similar to a dog's teeth.
  • What is the sticky layer on the surface of teeth is called that causes decay?
  • The part of the tooth hidden under the gum.
  • How many incisors have we got?
    We have 8 incisors in the front, four at the top and four at the bottom.
  • What are molars used for?
    They are used for chewing and gridning food.
  • Which part of the tooth keeps the tooth alive?
    Blood vessels
  • Can you think of three ways of how to look after your teeth?
    Brush your teeth twice a day. Avoid too many sugary dishes. Avoid fizzy drinks. Visit the dentist regularly. Eat calcium-packed food.
  • What is the part of the tooth above the gum that you can see?