
Vocabulary that will make you look cooler

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  • You can place your _______ by telephone or in the internet.
  • FOR FREE. What do you do in a market? Tell us at least 3 things.
    open answer
  • Synonym of accessible
  • Tell us a sentence where you use the word ''upload''.
    Why don't you upload the pictures that we took on vacations last month to your blog?
  • A synonym of watch
    look at
  • When you bought something online and is not working, so you want to return it (synonym).
    send back
  • It's when you pay with bills (synonym of_____).
  • Tell us a sentence where you  use the word offer.
    open anwer
  • Explain with your own words what is a spam.
    open answer
  • Delivery is free of _________.
  • You need this kind of key to protect your Facebook account.
  • Similar to connected.
  • FOR FREE. What means refund in Spanish?
  • Spell correctly the next word: ELECTRONIC TRANSFER.          Do not forget tell the word at the end.
    Teachers consideration
  • What means the next phrase: ON SALE?
    the product is in stock.
  • It's the verb when you give money to buy something.
  • Order correctly the next word: E A T S W F O R
  • A large __________ of line shoppers leave helpful reviews online.
  • It's the verb of keeping your documents on a PC.
  • When can you use a handbag? Is it for man or woman?
    Going outside with your friends, to look cool. It is for woman.