
Problem Solving

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  • I want to learn a new language. What could I do?
    Learn words with someone who speaks that language or learn online.
  • You have a disagreement with your mom. You are really upset. What should you do?
    Do something else to calm down. Once you are relaxed, apologize for making her upset (e.g. "I'm sorry I got mad with you") and give her a hug.
  • You borrowed your friend's favorite shirt, and got a huge stain on it. What can you do
  • Someone is standing too close to me. I feel uncomfortable. What could I do?
    Say, "Excuse me, I need a little more space."
  • I forgot my gloves and it is cold outside. What could I do?
    Put my hands in my pockets.
  • I am coming into the school; a friend is right behind me. What should I do?
    Hold the door for the friend.
  • I left my favorite jacket on the playground. Now I can't find it. What should I do?
    Go and look for it. Check the lost and found.
  • I just ate lunch and my dishes are dirty. What should I do?
    Wash your dishes with soap, dry them and put them away.
  • I bought some fries for lunch at school. I forgot to buy ketchup. What could I do?
    Ask a friend for some of their ketchup.
  • Your best friend says something mean to you. You are upset. What can you do
  • Someone yells a bad word in class and your teacher thinks it is you. It was NOT you. What can you do?
  • You are and your friend are shopping for the dance, and you both want the same dress. What can you do
  • The teacher asked me to put away my Chromebook. I want to keep watching a video. What should I do?
    Say "Okay" and put away the Chromebook or ask if I can have it for a few more minutes.
  • You did something wrong and the teacher thinks it was another student in the class . That student gets in trouble and gets a detention. What do you do
    Talk to the teacher, admit that it was you,
  • I am reading in class and I don't understand what it means. What could I do?
    Ask a teacher for help.
  • A friend comes to school with a new haircut. It is really different. What could I say?
    Something nice like: "I like your haircut."
  • There is a new student in your class who seems shy and is sitting alone. What can you do
  • It is lunch time. I have a half hour to eat lunch. When lunch is over, I still have a lot of food on my plate. What should I do?
    Save the food in a container for tomorrow's lunch.
  • I want to earn some spending money and I don't have a job.
    See if I can do extra chores around the house for money.
  • When I am at lunch with a friend, I can start a conversation. What could I talk about?
    Their weekend, the weather, their interests, or their lunch.
  • I forgot to put something important on my shopping list. I don't have extra money. What should I do?
    Put something back and get the item I need.
  • You are in class and the lesson is really hard and you do not understand it. What can you do
  • My friend's birthday is coming up. She really likes cookies. What could I do?
    Make a card, bake some cookies, and give them to her. 
  • You forgot your lunch at home. What can you do
    get a lunch at school, ask to call home
  • I got pizza sauce on my shirt. What can I do?
    Put on a clean shirt and put the dirty shirt in the wash.
  • I borrowed some clothes from a friend at school. Now they need to be washed. What should I do?
    Wash and dry the clothes and return them.
  • I am getting my lunch ready. I have burgers and fries in the freezer. What should I do?
    Get a burger and some fries out of the freezer to cook.
  • Your friend drops her lunch on the floor in the cafeteria. What can you do
    help them clean it up
  • My best friend is sick today. He's not at school. What could I do?
    Call him or text him in the afternoon to see if he is feeling better.
  • My water spilled inside my bookbag! What could I do?
    Dry everything in the bag.