
Collocations-Idioms 6

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  • You´ll be on the c____________ if the boss learns you didn´t do you project. ( Tirado, sin escusa )
    on the carpet
  • Your son is m_____________ a n_________ for himself. I bet you`re proud of him. ( hacerse un nombre )
    making a name for oneself
  • Can I p________ your b_________ with some questions about the history exam? ( bombardear a preguntas, pedir ayuda )
    pick your brains
  • You need to have a s_______ s__________ to work as a butcher in a slaughterhouse. ( Tripas corazón / no hacer ascos )
    a strong stomach
  • I do wish you would c _______ to the p__________. We haven´t got all night, you know. ( Ir al grano )
    come to the point / get to the point
  • “It was a wonderful party after my graduation - a real r_______-________ day.” ( día señalado, día especial )
    red-letter day
  • Am I nervous? No way. Look at my hand – it´s as s___________ as a r_________. ( firme como una roca )
    as steady as a rock
  • Sweeping up these leaves is d__________ w__________! I don´t think we´ll ever finish! ( trabajo rutinario, trabajo tedioso )
    donkey´s work / donkey work
  • When he stood up, he got some d________ L_________ from the other passengers. ( Mira mal, mirar con odio )
    dirty looks
  • I think I´ll go s____________ my L________. I`ve been sitting for hours and I´m a bit stiff. ( estirar las piernas, caminar )
    stretch my legs
  • You have to be o______ your t___________ to keep current with technology. ( espabilado )
    on your toes
  • When they cancelled the game the fans were u_______ in a_______. ( indignado, enfadado )
    up in arms
  • He might look kind and sweet, but deep down he´s as h________ as n__________. ( como el acero )
    as hard as nails
  • If you don´t help, I´ll just go o_______ your h__________ and speak to the manager. ( consultar alguien de rango superior )
    go over your head
  • British people have a reputation as people who keep a s_______ u_______ L______. ( mantener la postura o el temple )
    keep a stiff upper lip
  • The reality of moving h______ me like a t______ of b_________ when we left the town. ( Fuertemente, impactante )
    it hit me like a ton of bricks
  • Paul didn´t go to Madrid because I saw him at the party, as L________ as .L________ . ( en persona, en vivo )
    as large as life
  • “Your drunk!” “No, I´m not. I´m as s__________ as a J___________.” ( Sobrio como un juez )
    as sober as a judge
  • He was a natural singer with a voice that was as c________ as a b_________. ( fuerte y claro )
    as clear as a bell
  • If the new business goes good we might b_________ e_________ by January. ( salir sin ganar ni perder )
    break even
  • The cruel way some owners treat their pets makes my b______ b______. ( Hacerte enfadar )
    makes my blood boil
  • Don´t mention the breakup to Sue. it´s best to let s____________ d_______ L______. ( dejarlo estar )
    let sleeping dogs lie
  • News of the strike s__________ like w_____________ throughout the factory. ( propagarse como el fuego )
    spread like wildfire
  • As students, David, Kevin and William were as t_________ as t___________. ( como carne y uña , muy amigos )
    as thick as thieves
  • Buy shares in gold, it is as s____________ as h____________. You can´t lose your money. ( tan seguro como en casa )
    as safe as houses
  • She was so frightened that she was s____________ like a L___________. ( temblando )
    shaking like a leaf
  • After a week of being on t______ r________ , he finally gave himself up to the police. ( en fuga )
    on the run
  • She had a s_________ t_________ and couldn´t resist buying chocolates and cakes. ( afición por lo dulce )
    a sweet tooth