
Pizza Jokes & Riddles

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  • Solve the riddle
    She ordered the pizza for New Year's Day.
  • What is a dog’s favorite type of pizza?
  • What is the best thing to put in a pizza?
  • What kind of person doesn’t like pizza?
    A weirdough.
  • What do Homer Simpson and pizza have in common?
  • Solve the riddle
    The 18" pizza is 254 square inches, the two 12" pizzas are 226 square inches so the answer is the 18" pizza!
  • Where do toppings go on holiday?
    The Leaning Tower of Pizza!
  • Why did the man go into the pizza business?
    He wanted to make some dough.
  • Why did the hipster burn his mouth while eating his pizza?
    He ate it way before it was cool.
  • What does a pizza wear to smell good?
  • How do cats eat pizza?
    They put it in their mouths just like everyone else.
  • Solve the riddle
    Because there are more men in America than in Canada!
  • Where do Pharaohs like to eat out?
    Pizza Tut
  • Why does the mushroom always get invited to pizza parties?
    Because he’s such a fungi!
  • Why do restaurants put pizza in square boxes?
    Because they don’t cut corners.
  • How do you fix a broken pizza?
    With tomato paste.
  • What do you call a sleeping pizza?
    A piZZZZZZa
  • Why was it so easy to catch who stole the frozen pizza?
    It wasn’t a well thawed out plan.
  • What did a pizza say to his new friend?
    It's slice to meat you!
  • Solve the riddle
    Number 6 - it doesn't have black olives
  • What’s a pizza maker’s favorite song?
    Slice, Slice Baby
  • What do you call a pretend pizza?
    A pepperaphony pizza!
  • Why was the famous pizza upset?
    It kept getting chased by pepperazzi.
  • Solve the riddle
    It wasn't raining!
  • What did the Arthur the aardvark order on his pizza?