
Underwater Habitats

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  • The bottom of the ocean is called: the ocean fl---.
    The bottom of the ocean is called the ocean floor
  • Is this water deep or shallow? What animal do you see?
    It is shallow, I see starfish.
  • Do rivers have freshwater or saltwater?
    Rivers have freshwater
  • Using your best English, what is happening here?
    The fish with the light on its head is going to eat the other fish.
  • Is this water deep or shallow?
    It is deep.
  • Do oceans have freshwater or salt water?
    Oceans have salt water!
  • How do ducks keep their feathers from getting wet in water?
    Their feathers are covered with fat (mỡ) that pushes the water away.
  • Does water in rivers and lakes flow?
    Yes, it does.
  • Do plants live in the deep or shallow part of the ocean? HINT: They need sunlight
    Plants live in the shallow part of the ocean