
Teen Talent revision

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  • What is in the picture?
  • What is in the picture?
    A gig.
  • What is the person doing?
    Signing a contract
  • What is problem in the picture? Why is bad?
    Water is scarce. In many countries there is not enough clean drinking water any more.
  • What does it mean 'climb up the ladder'?
    To quickly become more and more successful.
  • What should everyone do to help our planet?
    Buy more local food.
  • What is in the picture?
    A limousine
  • What does it mean 'many of you will go far'?
    Many of you will be successful
  • What is problem in the picture? Why is bad?
    The ozone layer is pierced. We have more harmful UV radiation on our planet.
  • What should everyone do to help our planet?
    Recycle junk, sort our trash
  • What is problem in the picture? Why is bad?
    The desert is growing. There are less green plants that give us clean air to breathe.
  • What is in the picture?
  • What should everyone do to help our planet?
    Clean seas and places around your home.
  • What is in the picture?
  • What is a coincidence?
    When two things happen at the same time, in the same place, or to the same people in a way that seems surprising or unusual
  • What should everyone do to help our planet?
    Plant trees.
  • What is problem in the picture? Why is bad?
    People are trashing seas.
  • What is in the picture?
    Crime page
  • What is in the picture?
    A printout
  • What is problem in the picture? Why is it bad?
    A man cutting trees
  • What is in the picture?
  • What is in the picture?
    mixed feelings