
Self - explanatory words

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  • He left some FOOTPRINTS on the sand
    Impressões de pé ou...
  • You must use BAKING POWDER for you cake to grow
    Pó de assar ou...
  • ANT-EATERS are very exotic animals
    Comedor de formiga ou...
  • He's not a vegan, he's a MEAT-EATER
    Comedor de carne ou...
  • The SHIPYARD generated a lot of money for the city
    Pátio de navios ou...
  • You must stop at the TRAFFIC LIGHTS
    Luzes de trânsito ou...
  • BROWN SUGAR is usually healthier than refined sugar
    Açucar marrom ou...
  • They kissed by the MOONLIGHT
    Luz da lua ou...
  • This ARMCHAIR is really comfy
    Cadeira de braço ou...
  • She had FALSE TEETH after she grew older
    Dentes falsos ou...
  • You need a FRYING PAN to fry these eggs
    Panela de fritar ou...
  • He forgot to tie his SHOELACES
    Laço de sapato ou...
  • Is a HORSESHOE a symbol for good luck?
    Sapato de cavalo ou...
  • What's your GIVEN NAME?
    Nome dado ou...
  • She likes to wear red LIPSTICK
    Bastão para lábios ou...
  • She wears a piercing in her BELLY BUTTON
    Botão da barriga ou...
  • He was born COLOR-BLIND
    Cego para cores ou ...
  • Students received the ANSWER SHEET after the test
    Folha de respostas ou...
  • Students are usually ABSENT-MINDED today
    Mente ausente ou...
  • You need to use the SIDEWALK
    Lado para caminhar ou...
  • We need more GUNPOWDER
    Pó de arma ou...
  • I had some MEATBALLS for dinner last night
    Bolas de carne ou...
  • Michael Jackson bought all Beatles' COPYRIGHTS
    Direitos de cópia ou...
  • It's great to have a FIREPLACE for the winter
    Lugar do fogo ou...
  • A bird hit the WINDSHIELD and we almost crashed
    Escudo de vento ou...