
Epi Reading Badge - Class 4

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  • Insects have 6 legs. True or false?
  • What do lions eat?
    Lions eat meat.
  • Many desert animals find food and water during the day. True or false?
    False. It is too hot during the day. Many animals find food and water at night.
  • What do seals eat?
    Seals eat fish.
  • What do hummingbirds drink?
    They drink nectar from flowers.
  • Can penguins fly?
    No, penguins cannot fly. They can walk and swim.
  • Have Topsy and Tim got a cat?
    Yes, they have got a cat.
  • What's this?
    This is a pupa.
  • What is a baby insect called?
    A baby insect is called a larva.
  • Do pikas sometimes take food from other pikas' burrows?
    Yes, they do.
  • This is a parrot. True or false?
    False. This is a penguin.
  • What do rabbits eat?
    Rabbits eat hay and grass.
  • What's this?
    This is a beak.
  • Where do birds come from?
    Birds come from eggs.
  • Camels have water in their humps. True or false?
    False. Camels have fat in their humps.
  • Have Topsy and Tim got a monkey?
    No, they have not got a monkey.
  • Can ostriches fly?
    No, ostriches cannot fly.
  • Who's this?
    This is Topsy.
  • What animal has a little white baby?
    A polar bear has a little white baby.
  • Where does the grey whale have babies?
    The grey whale has babies in the warm ocean.
  • What do we call a baby bird?
    A baby bird is called a chick.
  • True or false? This is a burrow.
  • How do birds of paradise find mates?
    They dance.
  • What's this?
    This is a tadpole.
  • How do fireflies find a mate?
    They make a light.
  • This is a penguin. True or false?
    False. This is a parrot.
  • Why do polar bears walk on the sea ice?
    To find food (animals) to eat.
  • Who's this?
    This is Tim.
  • Birds haven't got teeth. True or false?
  • What do chipmunks need lots of for the long winter?
    They need lots of acorns.
  • What's this?
    This is a feather.
  • Darkling beetles get water from fog. True or false?
  • What are these?
    These are seeds.
  • What's this?
    This is honey.
  • How do emperor penguins stay warm?
    They stand together.
  • How do bowerbirds find a mate?
    They make a big home and dance.
  • True or false? The fennec fox has big ears.
  • What animal likes playing in trees?
    A monkey likes playing in trees.
  • Why do some animals travel a long way?
    Many animals travel to find good weather.