
PYP Soccer/Futsal Review Game

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  • Which women's national team (country) won the 2019 FIFA World Cup?
  • During a futsal match, how many players are on the court for each team?
    5 Players
  • During a soccer/futsal match, are you allowed to dribble/roll the ball on the sideline?
    Yes, the sidelines are in-bounds in soccer and futsal
  • What happens when a players receives a Red Card in soccer/futsal?
    The player is ejected from the game, leaving the team down a player (10 v 11). Players receiving a Red Card, must also sit out 1 additional game in most leagues
  • What is the name of the top soccer league based in the UK (England)?
    EPL (English Premier League)
  • Name 1 key difference between futsal and soccer related to the SIZE OF THE GOAL.
    A futsal goal is much smaller than a full-size soccer goal
  • What is the FIFA World Cup Tournament?
    It is an international football competition contested by the senior national teams of the members of FIFA (example: Team USA, Team Japan, Team Italy)
  • What is an Indirect Free Kick (futsal)
    A free kick in futsal that must hit another player (either team) before going into the net
  • What is a 'cross' in soccer/futsal?
    A cross is a kick from 1 side of the pitch to the other side
  • Which soccer player is featured in the image here?
    Cristiano Ronaldo
  • Name 1 key difference between futsal and soccer related to the PLAYING SURFACE.
    Soccer is played on grass or artificial turf (mostly outside), while futsal is usually played on a hard, indoor surface
  • Name 1 Team in the J1 League (Japan Premier League)
    Vissel Kobe, Cerezo Osaka, FC Tokyo, Yokohama FM, Kyoto Sanga, Gamba Osaka...
  • When a ball goes out of bounds on the sideline in SOCCER, the team that is awarded with the ball must get the ball in bounds by doing what?
    They must hold the ball with 2 hands (where it went out of bounds) and perform and overhead throw to their teammates in-bounds
  • Which men's national team (country) won the 2018 FIFA World Cup?
  • Name 1 key difference between futsal and soccer related to the BALL?
    A futsal is smaller than a soccer ball and has less bounce
  • What is a 'penalty shootout'?
    Following a tie, a penalty shootout may take place. Teams are given 5 shots each, alternating players each kick (1v1 against the goalie) to decide the winner
  • What is 'offsides" in soccer?
    A violation that occurs when the offensive player is positioned behind the last defender (closer to the goal) and receives a pass from a teammate
  • The ________ is the one player on a soccer/futsal team who defends the goal and is allowed to use their hands.
    goalie or goalkeeper
  • Name 3 different positions in soccer/futsal
    Goalie, forward, midfielder, defender, and striker
  • What is an assist in soccer/futsal?
    An assist is when you pass to your teammate leading directly to a goal
  • During a soccer match, how many players are on the pitch for each team?
    7 or 11 (full-size)
  • In which country will the 2022 Men's World Cup be held?
  • When a ball goes out of bounds on the sideline in FUTSAL, the team that is awarded with the ball must get the ball in bounds by doing what?
    They must place the ball on the sidelines (where it went out of bounds) and kick the ball in-bounds
  • Which country does Lionel Messi represent in national soccer matches (World Cup)?
  • What is a Corner Kick?
    When the whole ball passes over the goal line (on the ground or in the air) having last touched a player on defense, the offense is awarded a corner kick