
Year 5 History

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  • What is a merchant?
    A person who buys and sells products
  • What does expel mean?
    Make a person or people leave
  • What is spice?
    A substance used to add flavour to food
  • What does increase mean?
    Make bigger
  • What does defeat mean?
    Win a victory against an opponent
  • What is a bishop?
    A religious leader
  • What does coexist mean?
    Live together in peace
  • What does intolerant mean?
    No respect for the ideas and traditions of other people
  • What is a voyage?
    A long trip
  • What is a weapon?
    An object used to kill or for defence
  • What is slavery?
    The system of owning other people
  • What does discover mean?
    Find something for the first time
  • What is a play?
    Text written for the theatre
  • What is silk?
    A soft fabric made by small insects
  • What is an emirate?
    A Muslim province