
Finish the sentence

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  • I walked by the _____ earlier and saw a bunch of kids playing.
    park - noun
  • I didn't get a good night's sleep last night. I slept all day ____ so falling asleep was hard.
    yesterday- adverb
  • He stood in silence as he looked at the ________ waterfall in awe.
    Giant, gorgeous, amazing, etc. - adjective
  • I know it's really loud in here, can you ____ me?
    hear - verb
  • I can help you with homework on Friday ____ you have to be at the diner on time.
    but - conjunction
  • _____, that really hurt.
    Ouch, ow - interjection
  • I didn't ask him, I asked ____.
    you, her, him, them, etc. - pronoun
  • Everyone is in a rush. You have to get out of the way so ____ can get through!
    we, they, etc. - pronoun
  • She thought she left her phone _____ the desk but it was no where to be found.
    in, on, under, inside - preposition
  • Can you _____ that bag for me and carry it upstairs?
    Grab, get - verb
  • The baby was sleeping in the backseat so she drove around ________.
    slowly, carefully, etc. - adverb
  • ______! I have your card still!
    wait, stop, etc, - interjection
  • He had to go to the principal's office _______ he refused to take his test.
    because - conjunction
  • Don't trip over the _____ on the ground!
    cord, rug, box, etc. - noun
  • She was ______ top of her class, just .5% behind the other student she was constantly fighting for the spot.
    almost - adverb
  • Can you come _______ me hang this up?
    help - verb
  • She threw the ____ out the back door after using tongs to pick it up so she didn't have to touch it.
    snake, mouse, bug, etc, - noun