
Modern Spain - The 19th Century

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  • This King was an absolute Monarch. He changed the Law of Succesion so his daughter could be Queen of Spain.
    Fernando VII (1814 to 1833)
  • 1789
    The beginning of the Modern Age
  • Some people didn't accept Isabel as Queen of Spain. They preferred Carlos, Fernando VII's brother to be the King. The consequences of this disagreement were _________________________
    the Carlist Wars
  • They supported Carlos (Fernando VII´s brother as King) and were conservatives.
    The Carlists
  • Who wanted to conquer Portugal and Spain?
    Napoleon Bonaparte
  • In 1898, the sinking of the U.S. battleship Maine provoked the _____________________________
    The Spanish-American War
  • Carlos IV had a prime minister whose name was _________ ___ ________.
    Manuel de Godoy
  • They supported Maria Cristina and Isabel II
    The Liberals
  • The Carlist Wars lasted from _______ to _______.
    1833 to 1839
  • In 1873, the First ______________ was proclaimed and only lasted until 1874.
    First Republic
  • "La Pepa" 1812
    Constitution of Cadiz
  • Who reigned from 1814 to 1833?
    Fernando VII
  • In 1874, Isabel II's son ________________ returned to Spain to become King. This period was called the Restoration.
    Alfonso XII
  • In the 18th century Great Britain, there were many economic and technological changes taking place.
    Industrial Revolution (18th century)
  • During Queen Isabel II's reign the was a period of instability and in 1868 she ________________.
  • 1808
    The Spanish revolted in Madrid against the French
  • Disaster of '89
    This marked the end of the Spanish Empire
  • The invention of the _________ engine meant that product could be made in factories instead of by hand.
    steam engine
  • The _________ _______ were a series of conflicts during the 19th century about who should occupy the Spanish throne
    Carlist Wars
  • _____ Bonaparte was Napoleon's brother who reigned in Spain from 1808 to 1814.
  • Which Spanish King was not interested in politics?
    Carlos IV (1788 to 1808)
  • In 1804, Napoleon Bonaparte became the ___________ of France.
    Emperor of France
  • 1833
    The beginning of the Carlist Wars
  • The central ideas of the ________ _____________ were liberty, equality and fraternity.
    French Revolution
  • Fernando VII had a daughter and her name was __________.
    Isabel II
  • Transport also transformed with the invention of the _________ ____________.
    steam engine