
Everybody Up 5 - U1L3

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  • What does Mike say?
    Oh no, my game!
  • What's the name of the story?
    The Surfing Lesson
  • What's the name of the story?
    Be brave.
  • What's the weather like?
    It's hot and sunny.
  • What does Julie's mom say?
    Sure, you and Mike can take one together.
  • What is Mike afraid of?
    the water
  • What does Julie ask?
    Mom, can I take a surfing lesson?
  • Why does Mike's game make a loud beep?
    Because the battery is dead.
  • What does Julie say?
    Come on, Mike, let's learn how to surf.
  • What does Mike say?
    No thanks, I'd rather play video games.
  • What does Julie say?
    Come surfing, Mike, you can do it!
  • How does Mike feel about surfing?
    He feels nervous about surfing.
  • Where are Mike and Julie?
    the beach