
The Great Fever - Keystone

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  • How were Jessie Lazear's experiments similar to Walter Reed's experiments?
    class review
  • What was discovered to be the source of yellow fever?
    class review
  • How did Dr.Finlay help find the cause of yellow fever?
    class review
  • You read about doctors and scientists that worked towards finding the cause of yellow fever. What might motivate someone to do such as thing? In what ways could they benefit professionally?
    class review
  • What was created to prevent yellow fever?
    class review
  • What measures do you take to avoid mosquitoes?
    class review
  • How does the author feel about Jessie Lazear?
    class review
  • Do you think the US government did enough to try to control the yellow fever epidemic in the late 1800s? Explain.
    class review
  • Have you ever received a vaccine What was it supposed to prevent?
    class review
  • Why do you think Dr.Finlay wanted to find the cause of yellow fever?
    class review