
Answer the questions using evidence from the tex ...

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  • How did storytellers manages to keep people interested in their stories over the years?
    Storytellers travelled a lot, bought new stories back with them and taught people about distant places.
  • What did the Neanderthal man not want to do when telling the story?
    He wasn't intending to entertain his friends with his story.
  • How have storyteller contributed to society in different cultures?
    They shared their stories about remote places enabling people to learn about different places. These stories have been passed down from generation to generation
  • Why can stories be very important for a country and its culture?
    They can be used to pass down wisdom and knowledge from generation to generation, and to reflect the identity of that culture and country.
  • What examples does the writer give to show that storytelling is popular in the modern world?
    Films, thriller novels, jokes and anecdotes.
  • What point is the writer making in paragraph 2?
    The writer is showing that stories are not just for entertainment. They also have other functions, for examples to warn people of dangers.