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  • Do people have to use tools like scissors to do paper folding?
    No, most objects are made without using scissors or any tools.
  • How many steps does it take to make a paper helmet?
    10 steps
  • What is "Origami"?
    It's paper folding in Japanese.
  • Who folded papyrus into objects over 2000 years ago?
    The Egyptians
  • When did paper folding reach Spain?
    In the 12th century.
  • Since when did people start folding paper into beautiful objects?
    Since the first century.
  • How long have the Chinese been folding paper?
    For almost as long as the Egyptians (almost 2000 years)
  • Who introduced paper folding into Japan and Korea?
    The Chinese
  • What are the three important things to remember in paper folding?
    Use the right paper, follow directions and fold the edges carefully.
  • How many steps does it take to make a clock?
    Other objects, such as clock, can take hundreds of steps.