
Jobs & Occupations

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  • This is someone who helps and serves people on an airplane
    A flight attendant
  • This is someone who writes and tests code for computers
    A programmer
  • This is someone who paints or draws
    An artist
  • This is someone who works in a lab and does experiments
    A scientist
  • This is someone who flies an airplane
    A pilot
  • This is someone who takes care of people's teeth.
    A dentist
  • This is someone who moves their body to music
    A dancer
  • This is someone who performs in a play or film.
    An actor
  • This is someone who writes books, stories, poems etc.
    A writer / an author
  • This is someone who writes reports for newspapers, magazines, television or radio.
    A reporter / journalist
  • This is someone who puts out fires
    A firefighter
  • This is someone who looks after injured or sick animals.
    A vet
  • This is someone who washes, cuts, and arranges people's hair.
    A hairdresser
  • This is someone who works at a farm.
    A farmer
  • This is someone who produces musical sounds with his/her voice.
    A singer
  • This is someone who serves food in a restaurant.
    A waiter / server
  • This is someone who fights in wars
    A soldier
  • This is someone who bakes bread.
    A baker
  • This is someone who treats people who are sick.
    A doctor
  • This is someone who goes to school and does homework
    A student
  • This is someone who poses for photographs in designer clothes
    A model
  • This is someone who explores space
    An astronaut
  • This is someone who takes photographs
    A photographer
  • This is someone who cooks at a restaurant
    A chef